17/03/2014 - Mozambican government plans to set up new Special Economic Zone in Zambézia
The Mozambican government plans to encourage the continued creation of Special Economic Zones (ZEE), the Minister for Planning and Development, Aiuba Cuereneia said in Namaacha.
The minister, who was speaking at the 10th Coordination Council of the Ministry for Planning and Development, said that as well as the existing ZEE in Beluluane (Maputo province), Nacala (Nampula province), and Manga Mungassa (Sofala province), the government planned to extend the idea to Zambézia province, specifically the Mocuba district.
Cuereneia said that the government was already looking at a proposal for the Mocuba special Economic Zone which, if approved, will boost the already rapid development of that area of central Mozambique.
The meetings of the Ministry’s Coordinating Council bring together national and provincial directors, heads of departments, technical staff and institutional managers (Macauhub News agency).
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